Characters’ files: Alice

Characters’ files: Alice

aliceclickHere comes Alice, the ghost. Enjoy! Also, you might notice that i put a donation button on the right side, if you guys wanna help, you can throw a few bucks in, it really helps. Thanks, and enjoy the profile (only one girl to go)!

Discussion (19)¬

  1. Dark Ronin dit :

    Want to know what it’s like to be a ghost? Go ask Alice

  2. Ruffosan dit :

    btw, why are those chains unremoveable? (hope i didn’t spell that wrong)

    Now i think about it, she’s not so weak…, some pages before, she was able to steal Cath’s powers, that means she can basically be as strong as an enemy that she… « drains out »? am i right there?

    • angs dit :

      Well she can’t remove her chains, because she’s a ghost they « symbolise » her sould bound to Earth. Also he uses them as a weapon, she would be useless without them.

      • Ruffosan dit :

        wait a sec…., Dailn pointed at something quite interesting…, how come a ghost has a wieght of 63 kg? and how can she even eat? o.O

        • angs dit :

          Well ,she’s more like a Japanese ghost, like « the Ring » or « Ju-on » she can materialize her body for a certain period of time, but it costs her energy. When she rans out, she become transparent and immaterial.

  3. Saberwolf dit :

    So Alice is an atheist… Being a ghost it means she died. and knows what happens when you do. So she’s the most suited to show which god there is after life… in which case, none. Alice holds the truth :P

    • angs dit :

      Nah, not exactly, she’s a ghost because she didn’t want her soul to go anywhere after her death, so she’s stuck on Earth like this.

  4. zero confidence dit :

    Awesome, nice bio again. Love how long her hair is, and of course the outfit is always sexy to gaze at. Very cute the pucker of her lips. Great job again, ha ha! :D

  5. draco13579 dit :

    makes me want to kiss her having those puckered lips but I’m betting id have to use video games as bait to get her close enough to me :)

  6. Pervy King dit :

    She’s a very pretty ghost. :)

  7. Dailn dit :

    63 kg, that body and yet « slightly chubby ». Instead of complaining I’ll make the obvious joke: Alice IN CHAINS someone? =3