Character’s files: Cleo

Character’s files: Cleo

cleoclickNew one: Cleo! Bow down to the queen!

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Discussion (20)¬

  1. Ruffosan dit :

    Finally, Cleo, the one i was waiting for :P

    So, she has a hidden power…, i wonder what could that be…., maybe being annoying? XD

    • angs dit :

      Lol yes, that’s one of her abilities, But yeah, Cleo is basically the strongest member of the team by far, but she’s too lazy to use her powers :D

      • Ruffosan dit :

        in a power prior, since Cleo is 1, who’s 2, then 3, and so on?

        • angs dit :

          i think Nell is number 2, because she has a important collection of blaster and also can have a spaceship firing from the sky. Number 3 would be cath, in weretiger form she nothing but brutal force. Then Carmilla, then Melissa, then alice and Tya

  2. championneko dit :

    Je me surprends à ne presque pas regarder les filles mais à attendre avec impatience comment sera le prochain mannequin qui explique les détails sur les filles.

    Je dois pas être normal ^^;

  3. zero confidence dit :

    Interesting, a mysterious ability, seeing the ?????. And lovely profile as always, wonder if she’s into bondage with those bandages. Ha ha! :D

  4. draco13579 dit :

    Hehe she could wrap me up and have me bow down anytime ;) btw like the toe ring it suits her well. P.s. yes I’m only one who noticed I guess.

  5. Thanks, I like these fact sheets, and the ladies are lovely (as usual). :)

  6. Jebriodo dit :

    I love that they all have bare toes! Nice costume touch.

    • angs dit :

      Ha ha, well that costume was designed for Cath, first and she uses her claws. I decided to do the very same costume for every girls, so they all go like this.