Character’s files: Nell

Character’s files: Nell


Discussion (18)¬

  1. Pervy King dit :

    Pretty! :D

  2. Ruffosan dit :

    Fav Music: Electro…. I lol’d

    btw, i didn’t know her eyes were basically gear-shaped…, nice tip :D

  3. Ruffosan dit :

    now i think…, isn’t 92kg a bit too much?, being from the future would make anyone think she could be made from lightweight materials instead of whatever she’s made currently. I mean, i’m on the 90s but that’s considered overweight with a height of 185 cm.

  4. draco13579 dit :

    Man her outfit makes me start thinking about Tron but her outfit is way sexier than those blue and red suits.

  5. zero confidence dit :

    So hawt! Ha ha! And interesting religion there. Heh, 1337 stuff. That’s great. Awesome job on the…. last bio?…… So what now?

  6. Svarog Allen dit :

    The best girl : D

  7. Jebriodo dit :

    She’s cute! Nice drawing. Only one thing- her bikini bottom is so plain- no Tron stripes or techno stuff?