Welcome to Ectoville page 30

Welcome to Ectoville page 30

wte30Dun dun dunnnnnn, it was a plot device, all along!

Discussion (18)¬

  1. Rastrelly dit :

    All hail the witty AI!

  2. Dadidou000 dit :

    quelque chose me dit que cette fois les battle suit girls vont avoir droit a des ennemis de leur niveau.

  3. Ronin dit :

    Is it wrong to find a robot girl kind of cute?

  4. MaveriKat dit :

    Darn those evil robots and their hard curves intstead of soft pliable ones!

  5. zero confidence dit :

    Heh, send out the expendables, learn what you need to know. Good strategy there. Interesting design for those two.

  6. pokedragonS8 dit :

    …Why does she look a lot like Miku? XD