The tournament page 14

The tournament page 14

oct14If you wonder why Sangria punches are that strong, it’s because she’s half demon :p

Discussion (33)¬

  1. Max dit :

    O.O that was unexpected.

  2. Melandrhild dit :

    Bien joué ma belle xD

  3. QuadManX dit :

    Poor Jane, she didn’t even see it comin’… then again, I don’t think anyone did! Good show ole’ chap!

  4. Black dit :

    Lol something told me Jane was taking an L XD

  5. Ronin21 dit :

    Sangria wins… KO

  6. Be Avenger dit :

    C’est comme se ramener avec un couteau durant une fusillade…

  7. Gorgriz dit :

    Ha ha ha ha ! Trop fort XD

  8. Sephzero dit :

    Somebody just got coldcocked. Which brings up an important lesson, always have your guard up in a fight.

  9. Rastrelly dit :

    Round 8

    [Jane] uses *taunt* on [Sangria]


    [Sangria] goes *berserk*!
    [Sangria] *free attacks* [Jane] with *basic melee strike*

    [Jane] takes 9000 points of damage
    [Jane] is K.O.

    End of Round 8

  10. Marine dit :

    Alors ça, c’est tout à fait le genre de retournement de situation que je kiffe. xD
    Bien ouèj’ ! ^^

  11. Mister M dit :

    Now all we need is Solaris or Lord Ebonfuze to yell Finish her and then we have a classic tournament on the go. LOL

  12. Max la Menace dit :

    j’mattendais encore a l’assomage au lance roquette :P
    Le sd de sangria est marrant dans la dernière case ^^

  13. Ojunix dit :

    Huh! well that explains the Horns o.o
    Now the True Serious Question is? When does the Booby Orgy Start :D

  14. Spectrum dit :

    YAY! She won as I hoped for! =)
    I see there were no need to get a weapon, after all… Sangria is herself a living weapon!

  15. Svarog Allen dit :

    I was half expecting her to whack her with the gun like a blunt object
    but this was an awesome ending too xD

  16. Darth Paul dit :
