The tournament page 11

The tournament page 11

oct11Jane gets cocky, Sangria gets lucky but…

Discussion (18)¬

  1. Max la Menace dit :

    Trop cooooooooooooooooooollll !!! :D
    Au fait tu dessines mieux Pummy que moi :P
    Ptet parcque tu l’aimes plus ? xD
    En tout cas très belle page ! Bravo ^^

  2. Gorgriz dit :

    Mieux vaut tard que jamais pour les armes XD

  3. Ronin21 dit :

    Pummy: « Here I come to save the Daaaaaaaaaaay! »

  4. Rastrelly dit :

    Damn! He brought not BFG9000!

    On the other hand – it would kill all the audience… So maybe it’s not that bad…

    D’awww, HP-meters, it’s so lone without ye!

    PS Epic page, lots of things to think of XD

  5. Lance dit :

    Wait, here name is Sangria? Now I’m thirsty D: Angs, I demand seven million bottles of sangria!

  6. Spectrum dit :

    Poor little (and sexy) Sangria is in serious troubles I see.
    I hope Pummy will arrive in time.
    I like how you’re working on this. I was afraid the tournament could turn into a mess, but you’re doing a very good job, and each page is clean and enjoyable.
    Keep up the good work!

  7. Black dit :


  8. angs dit :

    Oh yeah because i look like a guy who never practice…I started drawing in 2007, and i train a minimum of one or two hours per day.