Robot Killer page 17

Robot Killer page 17

rbp17Cath present: a flashback!

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Discussion (14)¬

  1. Ronin21 dit :

    Lol. Silly Melissa. « Don’t touch that red button » « I won’t » *hits it with the hammer* « I told you not to » « I didn’t. My hammer did »

  2. Dailn dit :

    Cath explains things like a 30’s cartoon? I wonder how would her tactical meetings are xD

  3. Rastrelly dit :

    My internal mr. Spock has just shot himself.

  4. Sheela dit :

    LOL – The robot is trying to get it on with the ladies. :)

  5. grinboy dit :

    you know…. Telling someone not to do something is basically telling him to DO IT!

  6. Ruffosan dit :

    Hey, i realy love this comic, been reading it since you published the link :P

  7. Spectrum dit :

    It’s hilarious, really!
    But… the robot seems so kind in the first panel… why Cath wanna destroy it?
    I can’t stop to laugh looking at this page… hihihi