Robot Killer page 8

Robot Killer page 8


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Discussion (9)¬

  1. Sheela dit :

    Why be a decoy if someone else can be it for you ?


  2. Rastrelly dit :

    Cleo’s expression in the middle is a masterpiece :)

  3. Inky dit :

    Oh, « Sin tetas no hay BSG ».

    On the first panel I am finding the dialog flow a bit confusing. I thought Cleo said « I have one… » then Carmilla said « we need a plan » and then « That was close ». Just saying, I can’t be critical because I may have done that too.

    • admin dit :

      Yeah it’s my major problem: dialogs are often misplaced and it’s a bit confusing. I should try to manga the space in the frames a bit better, but it’s not so easy.

  4. Inky dit :

    It’s no big deal, and I know you care to do it right. I know it is not easy, my dialogs end up covering art that they shouldn’t.

  5. N!h!lat!on dit :



  6. Spectrum dit :

    The last panel is juicy…