Robot Killer page5

Robot Killer page5

rbp5Now, that comic makes senses!

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Discussion (10)¬

  1. Taverius dit :

    I totally agree!

    • admin dit :

      But maybe it’s more effective on men :p

      • Pyrosaitan1 dit :

        Well the only female women we have controlling countries are the queen and Julia Bullard, one is only there due to hierarchy and the other one is a misery to us all, how do I know this? I am an Australian, and the stupid Rangar bitch has no idea what she’s doing, thats not sexist it’s just her

  2. Sheela dit :

    If it works .. why fix it ?

    Offcourse, there’s always room for a little extra … hands-on-experience.
    Which I bet is what he’s thinking about right now.


  3. Sheela dit :

    Well, she was thrown trough the window, I don’t see how she had much choice in the matter. :)

    • admin dit :

      She wasn’t forced to fight this robot :p
      Well about the window she’ll probably have to buy the boys a new one XD

  4. Spectrum dit :

    Now I definitely know why I like her so much. Carmilla got a name that I love (I am a fan of Le Fanu’s Carmilla), I am into fanged sexygirls and she got such GOOD arguments…

  5. Zarzarcon dit :
