The Hypno-Ray page 15

The Hypno-Ray page 15


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Discussion (13)¬

  1. LilHouseKat dit :

    More than money, eh? :3

  2. notanotheralias dit :

    So do you go the cheesecake route and have the girls seduce the two scientists into working for them? Or do you go the irony route and have Tya hypnotize the two scientists into working for them? Or maybe you could do a bit both?

    • admin dit :

      The deed is done, i’ve chosen the « massive fan material » option XD
      (seriously the next page is already sketched)

  3. notanotheralias dit :

    Oh of course, I figured that was the case. Just in case I worded it wrong I wasn’t trying to tell you what to pick or anything, just bringing it up.

  4. Sheela dit :

    Are we about to behold the power of boobs ? :)

  5. Sheela dit :


    Is that a bad thing ? :)

  6. Fafhred dit :

    Very simply: they want to get LAID, not PAID xD

  7. Sheela dit :

    Well, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind getting paid to get laid.
    It’s just that it’s not very likely that they are getting either.

    Not as long as they keep being difficult at least.