BSG christmas special

BSG christmas special

noelpage1Yes, i know, christmas is over, i’m a bit late, but it’s never too late to wish you some good holidays and a happy new year! The second page of this special will come soon!

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Discussion (13)¬

  1. Ronin21 dit :

    Aww, Poor Irene. I know a certian Were-tiger boy who’d love to spend the holiday with her

  2. Ojunix dit :

    Hehehe Awww *hugs reindeer girl*
    Christmas is never too late & you got me what I always wanted Boobies on Christmas :3

  3. Sheela dit :

    Soo … is she going on a solo mission then ?

  4. Rastrelly dit :

    Pretty good for Hogswatch :)

  5. Sheela dit :

    Yes well … the Reaper of Hogswatch isn’t all that threatening.

    He saved The Little Match Girl after all. :)

  6. Darth Paul dit :

    Awesome, as someone who has their own reindeer babe character, I surely approve. 8-)

  7. Spectrum dit :

    I’m not into furries but… woah…what a breasts she got!